Package fr.uga.pddl4j.problem
Class InstantiatedProblem
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
This class contains all the methods needed to instantiate the actions and the metods of the problem.
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class fr.uga.pddl4j.problem.AbstractProblem
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionInstantiatedProblem(DefaultParsedProblem problem)
Creates a new problem from a domain and problem. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected List<Expression<Integer>>
Returns the list of the relevant primitive tasks of the problem that are present in the task decomposition of the problem.Returns the list of relevant actions of the problem.protected List<Expression<Integer>>
Return the list of relevant compound tasks of the problem.Returns the list of the relevant actions of the problem that are present in the task decomposition of the problem.Returns the list of relevant methods of the problem.protected List<Expression<Integer>>
Returns the list of the relevant primitive tasks task of the problem.protected void
Instantiates the actions of the problem.protected void
Instantiate the goal.protected void
Instantiates the initial task network.protected void
Instantiate the methods of the problem.Methods inherited from class fr.uga.pddl4j.problem.PreInstantiatedProblem
createPredicatesTables, extractInertia, extractNumericInertia, getInertia, getNumericInertia, inferTypesFromInertia, printPredicatesTables, simplify, simplifyActionsWithInferredTypes, toString
Methods inherited from class fr.uga.pddl4j.problem.AbstractProblem
finalization, getCompoundTaskSymbols, getConstantSymbols, getDomains, getFunctions, getFunctionSignatures, getIntActions, getIntGoal, getIntInitFunctionCost, getIntInitFunctions, getIntInitialState, getIntInitialTaskNetwork, getIntMethods, getIntTimedFluents, getParsedProblem, getPredicateSignatures, getPredicateSymbols, getPrimitiveTaskSymbols, getRequirements, getTaskSignatures, getTaskSymbols, getTypes, initActions, initCompoundTaskSymbols, initConstants, initEitherTypes, initExpression, initFunctions, initGoal, initialization, initInitialState, initInitialTaskNetwork, initMethods, initPredicates, initPrimitiveTaskSymbols, initRequirements, initTaskNetwork, initTasks, initTypes, instantiate, instantiation, postinstantiation, preinstantiation, setIntInitialTaskNetwork, toShortString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface fr.uga.pddl4j.problem.Problem
getAcceptedRequirements, getActions, getDurativeActions, getDurativeMethods, getFluents, getGoal, getInitialState, getInitialTaskNetwork, getMethods, getTaskResolvers, getTasks, isSolvable, isTotallyOrdered, toShortString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString, toString
Constructor Details
Creates a new problem from a domain and problem.- Parameters:
- the problem.
Method Details
Returns the list of the relevant primitive tasks task of the problem. The list contains also tasks that can not be reached by decomposing the initial tasks of the problem. To get only primitive tasks produced by the hierarchical decomposition of the initial task network of the problem used the methodgetHierarchicalRelevantPrimitiveTasks()
.- Returns:
- the list of relevant primitive tasks.
- See Also:
Returns the list of the relevant primitive tasks of the problem that are present in the task decomposition of the problem. To get all the primitive tasks used the methodgetRelevantPrimitiveTasks()
.- Returns:
- the list of hierarchical relevant primitive tasks.
- See Also:
Return the list of relevant compound tasks of the problem. A compound task is relevant if it can be reach by decomposing the initial tasks of the problem.- Returns:
- the list of relevant compound tasks of the problem.
Returns the list of relevant actions of the problem. The list contains also action that can not be reached by decomposing the initial tasks of the problem. To get only actions produced by the hierarchical decomposition of the initial task network of the problem used the methodgetRelevantHierarchicalActions()
.- Returns:
- the list of relevant actions of the problem.
- See Also:
Returns the list of the relevant actions of the problem that are present in the task decomposition of the problem. To get all the actions used the methodgetRelevantActions()
.- Returns:
- the list of hierarchical relevant primitive tasks.
- See Also:
Returns the list of relevant methods of the problem.- Returns:
- the list of relevant methods of the problem.
protected void instantiateActions()Instantiates the actions of the problem. -
protected void instantiateGoal()Instantiate the goal. -
protected void instantiateInitialTaskNetwork()Instantiates the initial task network. -
protected void instantiateMethods()Instantiate the methods of the problem.