Package fr.uga.pddl4j.heuristics.state

package fr.uga.pddl4j.heuristics.state
This package contains the critical path and delete relaxation heuristics implemented in the PDDL4J library.
  • Interface Summary
    This interface defines the methods accessible from all heuristics.
    This interface defines the methods accessible from all goal cost heuristics.
  • Class Summary
    This abstract class implements the basic methods of goal cost heuristics.
    This class implement the adjusted sum heuristic.
    This class implement the adjusted sum 2 heuristic.
    This class implement the adjusted sum 2M heuristic.
    This class implement the combo heuristic.
    This class will display the critical path based on the Delta Algorithm from the Automated Planning book.
    This class implements the heuristics of the fast forward planner.
    This abstract class implements the basic methods used by all heuristics based on the computation of a planning graph with mutual exclusions.
    This class implements the MAX heuristic.
    This abstract class implements the basic methods used by all heuristics based on the computation of a relaxed planning graph ignoring negative effects.
    This heuristic returns the level of the planning graph where all the propositions of the goal are reached without any mutex free.
    This class implements the SUM_ID heuristic.
    This class implements the SUM_ID mutex heuristic is an adaptation of the sum heuristic where mutual exclusion are computed.
  • Enum Class Summary
    Enum Class
    The name of heuristics.