Package fr.uga.pddl4j.problem.operator
package fr.uga.pddl4j.problem.operator
This package contains the classes to manipulate the planning operators.
Interface SummaryInterfaceDescriptionThis interface defines the constants used during the encoding.This class implements a fluent description.This interface defines the main methods of to access to an operator whatever its representation.This class implements an orderings constraints network.
Class SummaryClassDescriptionThis abstract class implements the common part of a durative operator.This class implements a common methods to manipulate a fluent description.This abstract class implements the common part of an ground operator (action or method) what ever its representation, i.e., integer or bit set.This abstract class implements the common part of an operator (action of method) with integer representation.This abstract class implements the common part of an operator (action of method) with bitset representation.This abstract class implements the common methods to deal with ordering constrains used to specify ordering between the subtasks of the methods.This class implements a compact representation for action of the planning problem.This class implements the precondition of the actions or the methods.This class allows to implements the conditional effects of an action.This class implements a set orderings constraints between tasks.This class implements a compact representation for a durative action.This class implements a durative method.This class implements the effect of the actions.This class implements an action.This class implements an method.This class implements a task network.This class implements an method.This class implements a task network.