Running Planners from Command line

The planners currently implemented in the library are:
  1. FF (FastForward). It is based on Enforced Hill Climbing algorithm and A* search and the relaxed planning graph heuristic devised by J. Hoffmann.

  2. HSP (Heuristic Search Planner). It is based on A* search that can be combined with any goal cost heuristics functions developed in the library.

  3. GSP (Generic Search Planner). This planner is a generic state space planner. It is possible to choose the search strategy and the goal cost heuristic function.

  4. TFD (Total-order Forward Decomposition). It is based on dept first search search strategy and can only deal with total-order task decomposition.

  5. PFD (Partial-order Forward Decomposition). It is based on dept first search search strategy and can deal with partial-order task decomposition.

FF (FastForward)

The command line syntax to launch the planner is as follow:

 FF [-hV] [-l=<logLevel>] [-t=<timeout>] [-w=<weight>] <domain> <problem>


 Solves a specified planning problem combining enforced hill climbing and A*
 search strategies using the the delete relaxation heuristic.

    <domain>              The domain file.
    <problem>             The problem file.

  -l, --log=<logLevel>      Set the level of trace of the planner: ALL, DEBUG,
                            INFO, ERROR, FATAL, OFF, TRACE (preset INFO).
  -t, --timeout=<timeout>   Set the time out of the planner in seconds (preset
  -w, --weight=<weight>     Set the weight of the heuristic (preset 1.0).
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version             Print version information and exit.

Command line example:

java -cp build/libs/pddl4j-4.0.0.jar fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.statespace.FF
       -t 1000

This command launches FF and allocates 1000 seconds to the search.

HSP (Heuristic Search Planner)

The command line syntax to launch the planner is as follow:

HSP [-hV] [-e=<heuristic>] [-l=<logLevel>]
                          [-t=<timeout>] [-w=<weight>] <domain> <problem>

Solves a specified planning problem using A* search strategy.

    <domain>              The domain file.
    <problem>             The problem file.

    -l, --log=<logLevel>      Set the level of trace: ALL, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR,
                                FATAL, OFF, TRACE (preset INFO).
    -t, --timeout=<timeout>   Set the time out of the planner in seconds (
                                preset 600s).
    -w, --weight=<weight>     the weight of the heuristic (preset 1.0).
    -e, --heuristic=<heuristic>
                              Set the heuristic : AJUSTED_SUM, AJUSTED_SUM2,
                                AJUSTED_SUM2M, COMBO, MAX, FAST_FORWARD,
                                SET_LEVEL, SUM, SUM_MUTEX (preset: FAST_FORWARD)
    -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
    -V, --version             Print version information and exit.

Command line example:

java -cp build/libs/pddl4j-4.0.0.jar fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.statespace.HSP
     -e MAX
     -w 1.2
     -t 600

This command launches HSP using MAX heuristic with a weight of 1.2 and allocates 600 seconds to the search.

GSP (Heuristic Search Planner)

The command line syntax to launch the planner is as follow:

GSP [-hV] [-e=<heuristic>] [-l=<logLevel>]
                             [-t=<timeout>] [-w=<weight>] [-s
                             [=<strategies>...]]... <domain> <problem>


Solves a specified planning problem using a specified search strategy and heuristic.

    <domain>              The domain file.
    <problem>             The problem file.

    -l, --log=<logLevel>      Set the level of trace: ALL, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR,
                                FATAL, OFF, TRACE (preset INFO).
    -t, --timeout=<timeout>   Set the time out of the planner in seconds (
                                preset 600s).
    -w, --weight=<weight>     Set the weight of the heuristic (preset 1.0).
    -e, --heuristic=<heuristic>
                              Set the heuristics: AJUSTED_SUM, AJUSTED_SUM2,
                                AJUSTED_SUM2M, COMBO, MAX, FAST_FORWARD,
                                SET_LEVEL, SUM, SUM_MUTEX (preset: FAST_FORWARD)
    -s, --search-strategies[=<strategies>...]
                              Set the search strategies: ASTAR,
                                ENFORCED_HILL_CLIMBING, BREADTH_FIRST,
                                GREEDY_BEST_FIRST, DEPTH_FIRST, HILL_CLIMBING
                                (preset: ASTAR)
    -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
    -V, --version             Print version information and exit.

Command line example:

java -cp build/libs/pddl4j-4.0.0.jar fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.statespace.GSP
      -t 1000

This command launches GSP using first ENFORCED_HILL_CLIMBING search strategy and if the search fails then ASTAR with the heuristic FAST_FORWARD and allocates 1000 seconds to the search.

TFD (Total-order Forward Decomposition)

The command line syntax to launch the planner is as follow:

TFD [-hiV] [-l=<logLevel>] [-t=<timeout>] <domain> <problem>


Solves a specified planning problem using a Total-order Forward Decomposition strategy.

    <domain>              The domain file.
    <problem>             The problem file.

    -t, --timeout=<timeout>   Set the time out of the planner in seconds (preset 600s).
    -l, --log=<logLevel>      Set the level of trace of the planner: ALL, DEBUG,
                                INFO, ERROR, FATAL, OFF, TRACE (preset INFO).
    -i, --interactive         Set the planner in interactive mode for debug
    -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
    -V, --version             Print version information and exit.

Command line example:

java -cp build/libs/pddl4j-4.0.0.jar fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.htn.stn.TFD
         -t 600

This command launches TFD and allocates 600 seconds to the search.


It is possible to use the iterative (-i) mode to debug and print step by step the task decomposition.

PFD (Partial-order Forward Decomposition)

The command line syntax to launch the planner is as follow:

TFD [-hiV] [-l=<logLevel>] [-t=<timeout>] <domain> <problem>


Solves a specified planning problem using a Partial-order Forward Decomposition strategy.

    <domain>              The domain file.
    <problem>             The problem file.

    -t, --timeout=<timeout>   Set the time out of the planner in seconds (preset 600s).
    -l, --log=<logLevel>      Set the level of trace of the planner: ALL, DEBUG,
                                INFO, ERROR, FATAL, OFF, TRACE (preset INFO).
    -i, --interactive         Set the planner in interactive mode for debug
    -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
    -V, --version             Print version information and exit.

Command line example:

java -cp build/libs/pddl4j-4.0.0.jar fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.htn.stn.PFD
         -t 600

This command launches PFD and allocates 600 seconds to the search.