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Package Summary
This package contains the examples classes of the library.
This package contains the classes for the ASP planner example.
This package contains the classes of the heuristics implemented in the PDDL4J library.
This package contains the critical path and delete relaxation heuristics implemented in the PDDL4J library.
This package contains the classes of the PDDL parser.
This package contains the classes related to plan representation.
This package contains the classes of the planners implemented in the PDDL4J Library.
This package contains the common classes shared by all hierarchical planners.
This package contains the common classes for the Simple Task Network planners.
This package contains the classes of state based planners.
This package contains the classes of the search strategies like Enforced Hill Climbing or A* developped for the state
space planners.
This package contains the classes related to a planning problem and used by all planners of the library.
This package contains the classes to manipulate arithmetic expressions of PDDL.
This package contains the classes to manipulate the planning operators.
This package contains the classes needed to deal with time.
This package contains miscellaneous utility classes for the PDDL4J library.